About EQUATEEmergent Quantum Materials and Technologies

The State of Nebraska is participating in the second quantum revolution - where quantum mechanics is applied to information theory and technology - by launching an interdisciplinary, interdepartmental, and multi-campus research and education cluster on EQUATE to increase jurisdictional competitiveness in the area of quantum science and technologies.

Pyramid figure displaying the focus research groups and their thrusts with arrows indicating how the different groups are connected. This project focuses on research and workforce development to advance knowledge on topics related to quantum materials, technologies, and computation. Quantum materials are a new class of materials that exhibit quantum phenomena at macroscopic length scales and are expected to advance the technological landscape through the advent of quantum technologies. These new technologies will revolutionize fields such as information technology, medical technology, and cryptography, with an impact on security areas such as defense and banking.

EQUATE converges for the first time the complementary quantum science and technology expertise of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, the University of Nebraska Omaha, the University of Nebraska at Kearney, and Creighton University - in partnership with Little Priest Tribal College and Nebraska Indian Community College - to create unique opportunities for Nebraska. EQUATE consolidates the quantum science and technology expertise of 20 faculty researchers across the four Nebraska research institutions, establishing collaboration and feedback between theory and experiment to guide discoveries and expedite the findings of new emergent quantum materials and phenomena.

Focus Research Groups

EQUATE is divided into three focused research groups (FRGs). They complement each other by combining fundamental science, applications, and computational activities. Click each group to learn more.

Red rectangle with 'FRG 1 Quantum Materials' written in white

Red rectangle with 'FRG 2 Quantum Technologies' written in white

Red rectangle with 'FRG 3 Quantum Info. Processing' written in white