Outreach and Workforce Development

Outreach and Workforce Development


In addition to scientific research on Emergent Quantum Materials and Technologies, EQUATE’s National Science Foundation EPSCoR funding will provide activities in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) to improve education, outreach and workforce development opportunities across Nebraska.

EQUATE offerings for students and teachers are led by:

Two middle school girls work on a science experiment during a summer camp

Secondary Education: Student Programs

  • YNS Summer Camps. The YNS flagship residential summer science camp portfolio for middle (grades 6-8) and high school students (grades 9-12) introduces youth to STEM concepts. Students interact with scientists, visit laboratories, take field trips, and attend recreational activities.
  • YNS High School Researchers Program. Each summer, highly qualified and motivated incoming grade 11 and 12 students will be selected to work for eight weeks in an EQUATE investigator’s laboratory and become an integral part of ongoing research projects. Students are paid and interact with faculty, postdoctoral scientists, and graduate students, and present the results of their research in summer poster sessions, such as UNL’s Summer Research Program Symposium.
  • Remotely Accessible Instrument Program. EQUATE, in collaboration with Nebraska 4-H, will engage students throughout the state. Following curriculum developed for grades 4-8, youth will connect and interact with an EQUATE scientist using the RAIN platform and examine materials using the X-ray fluorescence (XRF) characterization equipment. Following the XRF analysis, the material compositions will be discussed through a virtual classroom experience.

Secondary Education: Teacher Programs

  • Research Experience for Teachers (RET). EQUATE will support five participants each year in a six-week summer research experience, with follow-up support during the school year. Targeted participants are high school science teachers (grades 9-12) and community college faculty within commuting distance of Lincoln.
  • Summer Institute for Middle School Teachers (SIMST). EQUATE will host workshops for middle school teachers by adding quantum science content to an established program focused on nanoscience (NanoSIMST). Teachers from across Nebraska can learn about quantum, nanoscience, and engineering through lectures, hands-on activities, tours, and guest speakers. Each teacher will also develop their own lesson plans to bring back to their classrooms.
  • Teacher Resources. EQUATE will support the continuation and development of teacher resources –such as Mobile Lab kits. EQUATE aims to expand teacher resources to include STEM/Quantum Kits that contain reusable, hands-on activities to support a variety of science concepts at the middle school level, connecting with national science standards in education.
Science teachers from around the state participate in a teacher training program

Community College Partnership

EQUATE seeks to increase the visibility of the science programs at two Nebraska community colleges — Nebraska Indian Community College (NICC) and Little Priest Tribal College (LPTC). EQUATE events at these colleges include Citizen Science projects, science research infographic videos, mathematics preparedness mentoring, summer science activities, and STEM career fairs.

EQUATE booth at a tribal STEM career fair

Faculty Development

Early-Career Mentoring EQUATE promotes connections for its early-career participants to interact with more experienced faculty members. Also, Nebraska EPSCoR’s FIRST Award program helps early-career faculty pursue NSF’s CAREER Award.

Siamak Nejati

Post-Secondary Education, Training, and Mentoring Programs

Summer Research Experiences for Undergraduate (REU) Students. EQUATE partners with the UNL Office of Graduate Studies to host summer experiences for undergraduate students from smaller colleges and communities that may be underrepresented in STEM.

Community college student learning to use a piece of equipment

Coming Soon

Nanoscience/Quantum Class, Minicourses, and Training. EQUATE plans a one-credit semester course for graduate students to gain an introduction to nanoscience/quantum theory and various instrument technical capabilities. Minicourses will cover equipment, processes, and opportunities at UNL’s NNF with hands-on experiences. Topics include materials analysis and fabrication, electronic devices, structural components, and nanotechnology/quantum advances.

Student Seminar Series. EQUATE’s graduate students will host a monthly meeting to help connect its undergraduate and graduate students, and postdoctoral researchers, with other institutions.

Postdoctoral Scientist and Student Mentoring Program. EQUATE equips graduate and postdoctoral students with a structured program to help participants reach career goals.

Students are being given a tour of the Nebraska Nanoscale Facilities.


  1. Beverly R. DeVore-Wedding, Linda Nicholas-Figueroa, Paul Pansegrau, Janyce Woodard, Hank Miller, Mark A. Griep, “Emerging Strategies for Indigenizing Science at Tribal Colleges,” Wicazo Sa Review, Volume 34, Number 1, Spring 2019, pp. 34-47 (Article); Published by University of Minnesota Press; DOI: https://doi.org/10.1353/wic.2019.0002.