Precision Measurement and Spectroscopy with Diamond NV Centers
Victor Acosta
University of New Mexico
November 20 at 4 pm
110 Jorgensen Hall
Synthesis, Modeling, and Integration of Multifunctional Composites for Stretchable Thermoelectric Wearables

Mohammad H. Malakooti
University of Washington
November 13 at 4 pm
110 Jorgensen Hall
Nanostructured Materials to Negate Nanosecond Voltage Spikes

Simeon Gilbert
Sandia National Laboratories
April 24 at 4 pm
110 Jorgensen Hall
THz electron paramagnetic resonance generalized spectroscopic ellipsometry, Bloch equations, and superconvergence rules in the frequency-dependent magnetic susceptibility

Mathias Schubert
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
February 14 at 4 pm
110 Jorgensen Hall
Characterization of the ultrafast structural response in photoexcited materials using femtosecond electron diffraction

Martin Centurion
Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
September 20 at 4 pm
110 Jorgensen Hall
Studying Nanoscale Magnetic Phenomena in Magnetic Thin Films Using Diamond Magnetic Microscopy

Abdelghani Laraoui
Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
September 6 at 4 pm
110 Jorgensen Hall
Graphene Nanoribbons for Quantum Technologies

Alexander Sinitskii
Department of Chemistry, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
July 12 at 4 pm
110 Jorgensen Hall
Solid-State Material and Device Platforms for Integrated Quantum Systems

Yanan (Laura) Wang
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
June 21 at 4 pm
110 Jorgensen Hall
Electromagnetic metamaterial platforms: Pioneering the interdisciplinary research

Ufuk Kilic
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
April 5 at 4 pm
110 Jorgensen Hall
Harnessing Local Inversion Symmetry Breaking for 3D Nano Magnetism

Robert Streubel
Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
February 22 at 4 pm
110 Jorgensen Hall
DFT and DFT-based Material Databases in the Era of Machine Learning

Arti Kashyap
School of Physical Sciences, IIT Mandi, India
November 30 at 4 pm
110 Jorgensen Hall
Metamaterials: from invisibility cloak to future extended reality displays

Junsuk Rho
Pohang University of Science and Technology, Korea
November 9 at 4 pm
110 Jorgensen Hall
Host: Wei Bao
Multi-Fidelity Machine Learning for Perovskite Discovery

Arun Mannodi-Kanakkithodi
Purdue University
September 28 at 4pm
110 Jorgensen Hall
Novel Optical Material Platforms for Quantum Technologies

Bai Cui
July 27 at 4 pm
110 Jorgensen Hall
Progress in Superconducting Quantum Computing at Google

Rob Buckley
June 29 at 4 pm
110 Jorgensen Hall
Quantum Computing, Qiskit, and the IBM Quantum Experience

Brian Eccles and Gabe Chang
IBM Quantum Ambassadors
April 20 at 3:30 pm
110 Jorgensen Hall
Physical and Electronic Properties of Two-dimensional Layered Materials: In4Se3, TiS3, ZrS3, HfS3, and GeI2
Archit Dhingra
March 30 at 4 pm
110 Jorgensen Hall
Engineering the broadband enhanced chirality revealed by glancing angle deposited metamaterial platforms

Ufuk Kilic
February 23 at 4 pm
110 Jorgensen Hall